Tomi Pyyhtiä

"Never, never, never give up." 
-Winston Churchill

Introducing Tomi Pyyhtiä

I am an successful serial entrepreneur. 

I sold my previous startup, Henrico with a profitable EXIT for StaffPoint Group. Now I am running another company I founded, Fife Sales Agency.

I am also an experienced commercial leader from large companies such as Kesko, RAY and SOK.

My strengths are proven sales results and profitable business growth, as well as modern leadership of teams successfully (sales, digital marketing, customers, ICT & analytics).

In addition to my entrepreneurial and executive roles, I am also a successful non-fiction book author having written seven non-fiction books on topics such as leadership, digital marketing, e-commerce, entrepreneurship and sales. One of my book "Vihaan Myyntiä!" is TOP sold business book in Finland. My eight book is in progress with Tammi, part of WSOY.

My Services

Interim Leader Services

I have wide experience working as a leader in big companies, as well as an C-level Interim Leader in many customers companies.

My expertise are within sales, growth, digitalisation, HR, marketing and customers.

I have been an interim in positions such as Chief Digital Officer, Chief Sales Officer, Chief Growth Officer, eCommerce Director, Sales Director, Talent Director

Advisor Services

My professional working experience covers 30 years in working life. I have been on customers side in big companies, on the partners sides, selling services to customers, and I have been serial entrepreneur for 6+ years.

One could say I have "done-that-been-there". So I am a very good Advisor for any businesses in any situations.

Headhunting services

I have 20+ years of leadership and recruiting experience, working as in Director-level positions in big companies, as well as being Headhunter for my customers.

I have recruited over 200+ people to different positions to different industries, and different sizes of companies. All the way from experts levels to C-level positions.

Some of my great customers 

(I have served 100+ great companies in Nordics)